Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Morning Mayhem

I keep reading things about how to ease the morning stress, make the transition to school easy, reduce morning stress. So why are my mornings running late? I absolutely hate being late to anything, and when I stand there, fully dressed and waiting, lunches made, hair combed, waiting for a 9 year old to quit fussing with her hair, I wonder where I went wrong.

I know we stay up too late. That's a given, so it makes it hard to get up in the morning.

I guess we should lay out clothes the night before. I often do that, but last minute changes are always made.

Turning off the TV helps, but I don't always do it.

While these things are all problems, there are days when the TV is blaring, outfits are changed, lunches are not made, homework is finished and we still walk out of the door on time. There's no rhyme or reason to that.

Monday, September 21, 2009

A Day at the Planetarium

On Friday we went to the Planetarium on a field trip. I wish the laser light show had been working. We looked at a lot of exhibits, tried jumping like we were on the moon and actually used the Neosporin and bandaids I had in my backpack.

I remembered why I am not a teacher on that field trip. My admiration and respect go out to all teachers. I've worked with teenagers before, which was OK. 4th graders, though, are another kettle of fish.

Kudos, teachers...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Watching Cody Banks

Today we are watching Cody Banks II. Although why we are after my tweeny bopper lied to me today is beyond my comprehension. You'd think I would have more energy since I just have the one. I was tired today, and she took off to a neighbors while we were visiting a friend, I was not happy. Then when she tried to pretend she didn't know she wasn't supposed to do that, I lost my cool. My goodness I hate it when she pulls the "I'm trying to make you believe you are a)crazy, b) didn't say what you thought you did or 3) sorry I can't hear you."

So it was a day without Internet for her and a new blog for me.